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Culicine, larvae

Mosquitoes are insects in the family Culicidae. The two subfamilies are the Culicinae (which include important human disease vectors such as Culex and Aedes) and the Anophelinae (Anopheles). Members of these subfamilies are known as culicines and anophelines respectively. All mosquito larvae develop in water and need to breathe air to survive. While the anopheline mosquitoes breathe directly through a rudimentary tube, the culicine mosquitoes breathe through a special apparatus called a respiratory siphon. Mosquito larvae may be found in many different bodies of water, including domestic water sources such as bird baths and wading pools.The larvae are sometimes referred to as 'wrigglers' because their motility in water. Click HERE to see a video of live (wriggling) culicine larvae.